Strategic Divorce

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Suite 220
Lake Bluff, IL 60044

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Strategic Divorce

14 Signs You Need A New Divorce Law Attorney

  • By: Michone Riewer TM

If you are going through a divorce in Lake Bluff, IL, you are likely stressed out, tired, and just ready to finish the process and move on with your life. Your divorce law attorney should be the one person who is always on your side and ready to fight for you to be treated fairly. You are literally paying them to work for you and be your advocate.

Just because you have already agreed to work with a certain attorney does not mean that you can’t change your mind if issues develop later on. If you feel that your attorney does not have your best interests in mind or just doesn’t really care about your case, you are entitled to find a new divorce law attorney who does. Warning signs that you need a new attorney on your divorce case can include:

  1. Missing Or Overlooking Deadlines.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of deadlines when it comes to divorce or to any legal process. If your Lake Bluff divorce law attorney misses the deadline for filing documents or overlooks a court date, the effect on your divorce case could be absolutely devastating. As a result, your attorney could be held responsible for legal malpractice.

  1. Consistently Arriving Late.

If your Illinois divorce law attorney is constantly keeping you waiting when you arrive on time for a meeting, it is a sign that he or she does not value your business or your case. If your attorney arrives late to a court hearing, you could end up at a disadvantage with the judge through no fault of your own.

  1. Forgetting The Details Of Your Case.

You shouldn’t have to refresh your attorney’s memory about every detail of your case every time you speak to him or her. Momentarily forgetting a name or a date is one thing but having no idea who you are or what your case is about is a huge red flag. Any worthy divorce law attorney in Lake Bluff, IL should be working on your case regularly enough to be familiar with the details.

  1. Unawareness Of Where Your Case Currently Stands.

When you ask your attorney about the latest developments in your case, you should expect a confident answer. Needing to check the calendar, court docket, or file to be sure of dates is understandable. Having no clue and relying completely on office staff to keep track of your case’s status is not.

  1. A Lack Of Communication.

It is not unreasonable for you to expect to be called back within a reasonable amount of time when you call your attorney about your case. You are paying a professional to work on your divorce case and that includes answering your questions. If your lawyer has a habit of failing to return your calls, even after multiple messages, it is a clear sign that your case is not being given the attention it requires.

  1. A Lack Of Knowledge Of Divorce Law.

It is very common for attorneys to focus their practice on one particular area of law such as criminal law, family law, or business law. If you hire an attorney who claims to practice in all areas of law, there is a good chance that they will not be as knowledgeable in the area of divorce as a divorce law attorney in Lake Bluff, IL would be.

  1. A Lack Of Familiarity With The Procedures Of Your Local Court.

Every jurisdiction and judge develops its own courtroom rules and procedures. If your attorney does not make the effort to become familiar with the procedures that are expected in the court where your divorce is pending, it will mean delays or even dismissal of your case.

  1. A Condescending Attitude.

It takes all types of people for the world to function. Do not let an attorney make you feel as if you are less worthy simply because you don’t happen to hold a law degree. An attorney who talks down to you is not one you want handling your case.

  1. Lying.

If you notice your divorce law attorney lying to opposing counsel, to the judge, or to a court clerk, you can bet that he or she will not hesitate to lie to you.

  1. Aggression.

You absolutely want your Lake Bluff, IL divorce law attorney to stand up for your rights. You don’t, however, want to be represented by someone who seeks out conflict for no good reason.

  1. Unprofessionalism.

Filing error filled documents with the court or showing up to a hearing looking unprofessional is a warning sign that your attorney does not take his work seriously. The judge will most certainly take notice.

  1. Timidity.

If your attorney is not confident enough to speak up the judge and the opposing counsel, you could lose everything in your divorce. Look for a divorce attorney in Lake Bluff, IL who is confident and assertive but falls short of coming across as aggressive.

  1. Overbilling For Their Time Or Services.

If you receive a bill from your attorney that seems unreasonably high, take the time to closely review it. If you remember a phone conversation lasting five minutes and see that it was billed for one full hour, it may be time to move on. Any time you suspect unethical billing procedures, it is time to find another attorney and possibly even consider a malpractice action.

  1. Incompatibility.

While it is certainly important to make sure that you hire a divorce attorney who is knowledgeable, experienced, and well-respected in your community, personalities matter too. Even if your lawyer is doing everything right in the courtroom and in the office for your case, you have to also get along. If you feel like your attorney is just not compatible with you or your lifestyle, it is reason enough to start looking for another divorce law attorney in Lake Bluff, IL.

Attorney Michone Riewer

Attorney Michone RiewerTM is a seasoned lawyer based in Lake Bluff, IL, focusing on Family Law. She brings a wealth of experience to matters of divorce, child custody, alimony, and beyond, aiming to provide clients like you with the insight you need to protect your family and move through the legal world with ease.

Connect with her firm, Strategic DivorceTM, to stay updated on the latest developments in Family Law and get in touch with an advocate who’s committed to helping you navigate the legal landscape in Illinois.

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