Strategic Divorce

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Lake Bluff, IL 60044

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Strategic Divorce

Family Law Blog

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Divorce, by its very nature, is an adversarial undertaking. At times characterized by conflict or opposition, even after the divorce is finalized there may be some lingering residual hostilities between couples which may not have been adequately resolved. If issues cannot be resolved amicably between the combative couple, an attorney can file for Post Decree Relief or a Post Decree…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Most individuals view divorce as a painful process between two individuals who have grown to dislike each other. While this is often what we see on TV and in the movies, it does not necessarily have to be this way. Yes, we have all known someone who has gone through an ugly divorce. However, divorcing couples often avoid such nightmares…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Domestic violence is a serious issue that has gained national attention in the past few years. While showing public support for domestic abuse victims is a great start, it is not enough when it comes to providing them with the protection that they need. As a victim, you may have been lucky enough to remove this individual from your home,…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

The months leading up to your marriage are supposed to be some of the most exciting times of your life. The last thing you want to think about is what would happen if it does not work out. This is why very few people consider signing a prenup with their partner. While thinking about this may make you uncomfortable, having…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Entitlement to alimony usually depends on who earns more money. Spousal support or maintenance payments usually require the spouse earning the higher wage to pay alimony to the spouse earning less. However, the court will also take into consideration the amount of money earned by the spouse earning less money, adjusting alimony payments accordingly. The court has various forms of…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Despite its common occurrence, no one plans for divorce. Why would you? The person you are leaving is the same person you loved enough to marry. The unfortunate truth is that good people get divorced every single day in this country. While this is a topic no one likes to talk about, failure to be prepared for your divorce proceedings…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Most people have heard of prenuptial agreements at some point in their lives. This is an agreement signed before marriage that outlines who is entitled to which assets, child custody arrangements and assumption of debts accrued during the marriage. This document is only relevant if the couple who signed it gets divorced. However, a couple can choose to sign a…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

Divorce proceedings are complex and overwhelming. Also, depending on the mood and plan of the other side, they can get tricky and ugly very quickly. While you may be prepared to start dividing up assets like property and cars, you may be surprised to find your retirement accounts on that list as well. In the state of Illinois retirement funds…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

If you are considering divorce in the state of Illinois, it is key to understand the rules about the division of property. Generally, the two ways a court can divide property and assets amongst a divorcing couple are called “community property” and “equitable division''. The former means that assets are divided up 50/50 no matter what. Unfortunately for some, this…Read More

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

A direct question deserves a direct response: perhaps. However, if a couple has only been married 20 years or more, the court may order the paying spouse to pay alimony for life. The court will, however, take other matters into consideration. For example, alimony payments may cease if the spouse receiving maintenance support becomes financially self-sufficient. In 2015, the state…Read More

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