Strategic Divorce

900 N. Shore Drive
Suite 220
Lake Bluff, IL 60044

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(847) 234-4445

Strategic Divorce

Family Law Attorneys—What You Need to Know

  • By: Michone J. Riewer

A family law attorney can assist in the complex legal issues that arise with divorces, custody battles and other disputes. A family law attorney is especially helpful for women in a relationship with either spouse who perpetrated abusive or abusive behavior.

Who Is a Family Law Attorney?

A family law attorney is an attorney whose practice is devoted to resolving family law matters such as divorce and child custody issues. Family law is constantly changing with the times, and your attorney must understand and stays up to speed on current laws and recent court decisions. At a strategic divorceTM firm, we provide our clients with knowledgeable legal guidance throughout the family law process -from drafting prenuptial agreements and post-nuptial agreements to drawing up separation agreements, administering marital trusts and dissolving marriages. Our attorneys are consistently recognized as among the most accomplished family law practitioners in our state.

Why Get a Family Law Attorney?

If your loved ones need a family law attorney, you can be sure they will always be in the best hands with our Strategic DivorceTM attorneys. Whether you are looking for an aggressive lawyer or a more empathetic one, our experienced attorneys can help you with any issues you and your family may be experiencing. Our goal is dedicated to creating a cooperative and understanding relationship with all of our clients so that together we can successfully achieve their goals.

  • Family law attorneys handle complex and emotional family cases in such a way that is beneficial to all involved.
  • A family law attorney helps people with issues that involve family members. For example, someone who is divorcing may have questions about child custody or visitation, spousal support or property division.
  • Family lawyers can also be hired to help resolve other family law disputes, such as those involving guardianship or the adoption of children.
  • They guide couples through these difficult times with legal advice and understanding so that they have an opportunity to reconcile their divorces on a positive note.

We provide a trustworthy firm, respect client wishes and maintain the utmost confidence when handling their custody issues.

How Much Does a Family Law Attorney Cost?

The cost of a family law attorney depends on an individual and it varies with state and the level of experience they have. Some may charge per hour, while others may want to be paid per milestone. Averagely a family lawyer can cost $100-$400 per hour. It is between you and your attorney to discuss and settle on a cost according to their expertise.

Contact Us Today

Our family law attorneys have the experience necessary to guide you through some difficult legal issues in your life, including divorce, custody and support issues, adoption, stalking, domestic violence, cruelty to children and pets, name change, wills and trusts. In addition to consultations, we offer many hours of free legal advice to people who do not qualify for a representative lawyer. Call us at (847) 234-4445 and book an appointment today.

Attorney Michone Riewer

Attorney Michone RiewerTM is a seasoned lawyer based in Lake Bluff, IL, focusing on Family Law. She brings a wealth of experience to matters of divorce, child custody, alimony, and beyond, aiming to provide clients like you with the insight you need to protect your family and move through the legal world with ease.

Connect with her firm, Strategic DivorceTM, to stay updated on the latest developments in Family Law and get in touch with an advocate who’s committed to helping you navigate the legal landscape in Illinois.

Call For A Free Consultation (847) 234-4445